Monday, March 24, 2014

Make it legal: Have your Work Permit Ready

If you just moved to Canada and are looking for a job, you have to make sure that your legal documents are ready. While not all jobs require a work permit, it’s still best to make sure that you have all legal documents at the ready so when time comes that you are asked for it then you can show them that you have the right documents at hand. That would definitely be better than losing the job just because you do not have a Work Permit in Canada.

Some Facts

·               -A Work Permit is a general term given for a legal document that authorizes a person to work in a certain place or a certain company. This is most often useful for people who do not yet hold citizenship in a given country, temporary workers, immigrants, and minors, as well. Minors who are taking on part-time jobs may also need work permits so that there would not be any complications when it comes to the child labor law.
            -To apply for a work permit in Canada, you first have to be a student or a temporary resident of the country and you should have a valid Canadian home address and temporary resident status. It would also be good if you have a New Visitor Visa that you can use in case you plan to leave soon but still want to come back to Canada in the near future.
        -Also, make sure that you do not have any criminal record.
              The United States does not really require work permits if you are born in bred in America, but if you are a foreign immigrant or an “alien”, then you definitely would have to apply to get one. You would also need a permission to enter the country and a permission to stay in the country before you could be given any kinds of permits.
           -Aside from work permit, Canada companies may also require you to get a Labor Market Opinion (LMO). This is a document that states that you are eligible to work and that you have been recommended either by the government of Canada, or by the government of the country that you came from. However, traders, investors, professionals and those who are part of Youth Exchange or Teacher Exchange Programs have no need for LMO’s.
             -A permit to work does not automatically give you the right to live in a certain country permanently. You will have to abide with that country’s jurisdictions first before you get to stay in the said country.
·         Caregivers are lucky, though, because once they meet certain requirements and have given their legal documents, they could be given a chance to be legal and permanent residents of Canada.


Legal is always a good way to go

 If you want to make sure that your life is on the right track and that there would not be any problems with work then better get your legal documents ready. This way, you can be sure that your load will be lighter and living in another country would not be a problem.